Words have the power to encourage.

May the words you read in these blog posts lift your spirits and draw you into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I’ve Been Scared To Write

I’ve Been Scared To Write

Have you felt the tug from the Holy Spirit to write? Maybe it’s some sort of Christian devotional or book or maybe it’s a novel or children’s book or even a movie or a play….whatever it is, don’t hold back. Don’t let the fear of other’s judgement hold you back. Don’t let the fear of being “not good enough” hold you back.

Obedience Can Bring You Peace

Obedience Can Bring You Peace

Obedience brings peaces? Those are words I never imagined I would say.  I used to get anxious when someone would use the word obey or obedience. It had an extremely negative connotation in my mind. It was associated with losing control, being taken advantage of, and not being respected as an individual. But thankfully, as I matured, I began to understand obedience from a different perspective.  

Daring To Live Without Fear

Daring To Live Without Fear

I’ve actually felt pretty fearful lately. Not the kindof fearful where I even realized it. Not fright or desire to run and hide. I haven’t been jumpy or afraid to speak out. l’ve been experiencing a different kind of fear...the kind where I’m afraid to take risks, afraid to dream big.

God Is With You, Even When He Allows Bad Things To Happen

God Is With You, Even When He Allows Bad Things To Happen

God is with you, even when bad things happen. Yes, He allows bad things to happen for a greater purpose. Personally I’ve had a lot of bad things happen to me, but I’ve also been extremely thankful that I haven’t experienced some of the bad things that others have. And even in the midst of some of the horrible things, I can see how God has been faithful, brought me through those experiences and never left me.

The Key To Kicking Fear

The Key To Kicking Fear

When all the biblical knowledge in the world fails to produce peace and faith, how do we escape the grip of fear? What is the secret to trusting God and believing His word is true for us?

Stop Waiting For A Sign From God, Do It Scared

Stop Waiting For A Sign From God, Do It Scared

The Bible says, “Write the vision and make it plain…” But what if you’re too scared to write it down because that means you have to do something about it…

Size doesn't matter when God's on your side

Size doesn't matter when God's on your side

How often do you let the size of a problem prevent you from seeking a solution?  It's time to be courageous.

Advantages Outside The Comfort Zone

Advantages Outside The Comfort Zone

When have you stepped out of your comfort zone without knowing it? By leaving your comfort zone behind and taking a leap of faith into something new, you find out who you are truly capable of becoming.

Don't Limit God

Don't Limit God

Believe He will do what He says He will do! Whatever situation you find yourself in, remember that He can make a way out of no way. He can make even the most difficult situations work out for your good. He is not limited by your limitations. He is not limited by your imagination. His power is not limited. His forgiveness is not limited. His grace is not limited.

Encouraging Quotes About Failure and Success

Encouraging Quotes About Failure and Success

When you're worried about succeeding or fearful of failure a few words of encouragement can make a huge difference. Here are a few encouraging quotes to help you keep failure in perspective and remind you that success may be just around the corner.

Getting Over Myself

Getting Over Myself

When did I become fearful of public speaking? If you follow me on social media, you know I have had a really hard time posting videos of myself. It’s so strange to me that something I was never afraid to do before, has now become something I dread. I get super nervous, mix up my words and am so critical of myself. 



You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are an overcomer.