As I type, it’s the final countdown to 2018! In just a few days, we’ll start a brand new year of life. Instead of setting resolutions, this is the time when I like to reflect on my life and prepare my heart and mind for what the year ahead might have in store. I’ve been thinking a lot about how this holiday season has been. I don’t know about you, but since right after Thanksgiving, I’ve been stressed out!
Being a small business owner, my friends and I found ourselves buried in orders, running back and forth to the post office, while also preparing for the next subscription box to ship. While it seemed like everyone else was shopping and decorating and planning holiday meals, I was biting my nails to see if some products we had designed would be delivered to us in time. Everything was going according to plan…then our printer had trouble with an artwork file and UPS lost a shipment containing one of our products. It was a box coming from a vendor who is literally 45 minutes away, but I’ll save my lost package rant for another time.
I was already feeling discouraged about the printing issues and then when the product was lost, I said to myself, “Really?! Is this how 2017 is going to end?” I felt like throwing my hands in the air and yelling, “ I give up!” But then I heard that small voice asking, “Have you forgotten that my power is unlimited?” I had to laugh at myself because I had allowed my stress and worry to discourage me instead of remembering that I was working on a box all about how God can make a way out of no way! (Insert facepalm emoji here. LOL)
So as I look towards 2018, I want to stay focused on maintaining an “expectant perspective.”
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” — Jeremiah 29:11
The Bible tells us that God has great plans for us, plans for our good, so I want to live each day, excited for what He has for me. Even when the potholes and speed bumps along my journey slow me down, I want to keep moving forward without swerving. I want to stay on the path He’s set for me, knowing that no matter what the situation may look like at the moment, there are good things ahead.
I started out this post saying I don’t usually set New Year’s resolutions. Well, I think this year might be a little different. I’m not sure if these are actually resolutions or more like mantra’s for the year, but here goes:
Don’t limit yourself
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ” — Philippians 4:13
Believe God can use you to do great things! It’s a new year, don’t limit what God called you to be by holding back on things you know He has called you to do.
Don’t limit others
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. ” — Ephesians 4:29
The difference between someone having the courage to seek a closer relationship with God and trust Him to go after their dreams might be their interaction with you. Be an encourager, the world has enough critics.
Don’t limit God
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. ” — Romans 8:28

Believe He will do what He says He will do! Whatever situation you find yourself in, remember that He can make a way out of no way. He can make even the most difficult situations work out for your good. He is not limited by your limitations. He is not limited by your imagination. His power is not limited. His forgiveness is not limited. His grace is not limited. He will see you through 2018 just like He saw you through 2017.
It’s fitting that we’re kicking off a new year with the “Unlimited” themed box of encouragement. As usual, He worked everything out so that this theme would be perfect for January. Even with the artwork and delivery issues, by His grace, we were able to get all the boxes shipped on time. So as we ease into 2018, let’s maintain an expectant perspective and encourage each other. Join the conversation about His unlimited power inside our online community.
God Bless You + Happy New Year!
Jamila is the founder of loved+blessed. On her personal mission to leave a legacy of encouragement, she blogs about her own life lessons with the hope that it will bring joy into others’ lives and help them find the courage to keep walking in faith knowing that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Read her testimony of how God turned her misery into ministry.
God bless YOU Jamila for your wonderful ministry! I can’t wait to see what He puts on your heart to create in 2018. Happy New Year :)
I’m so glad Stephanie! I’m so glad you loved yours and that your husband loved his!!!! Happy and Blessed New Year to you too!
Love the “Don’t Limit God” for the theme of this box and the beginning of the new year. My birthday twin sister got me these boxes for Christmas and I love them. I got my husband the box for men. He said he needed it right then. Hope you come up with more boxes for men. Thanks again and have a Blessed New Year! Stephanie