Jamila is on a personal mission to leave a legacy of encouragement.
She speaks and blogs about her own life lessons with the hope that it will bring joy into others lives and help them find the courage to keep walking in faith, knowing that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord.
Mere words cannot begin to describe the blessing that Jamila brought to our Overcome Event. Many hearts were deeply touched by her beautiful and inspiring testimony. A number of attendees commented on Jamila’s authenticity and her willingness to share from the depths of her soul. Her spirit clearly communicates the heart of Christ through each word that she speaks.
~ Dana, Founder Overcome Ministries
Jamila is an authentic communicator whose testimony and words bring Jesus to life. Whether it’s speaking to large or small audiences, she encourages all right where they’re at. I find myself leaning further in His unconditional love after being with her, she is like a faith flamer.
~ Jill Primm, Founder and Executive Director Restore Women's Ministry

Her story is encouraging, empowering, and relatable. Sweet reminders of how we are not forsaken, but loved and adored by God. You know you’re in for a treat when Jamila speaks.
~ Melanie Bennett, Fellowship Christian Community Church Women's Ministry Co-Leader
She uplifted, inspired and challenged us as she gracefully articulated her blessed message of encouragement. She helped us to dig deep into the gray areas of our lives that we never pay attention to so that we could be honest with ourselves to remove junk in order to make room - to take action; to rebuild and be made over daily in Christ.
~ Joyce Sanchez, President, Fellowship Christian Community Church Women's Ministry

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