“Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” — Habakkuk 2:2
But what if you’re too scared to write it down because that means you have to do something about it? For the last couple months I’ve been feeling so “proud” of myself for finally being obedient to a vision God gave me a long time ago to host our first Uplift Gathering. I was disobedient for a long time but I finally got over myself, let go of my fears and trusted Him that if I brought the vision He gave me to life it would be for His glory no matter how it turned out. Well, He rewarded that delayed obedience greatly and I’m so thankful for His grace.
Since I finally took action on what He wanted me to do, I kindof thought I was off the hook for awhile. LOL But I should have known better. Instead, He immediately gave me vision for a series of events. And then if that wasn’t enough, a few weeks ago He dropped something else in my spirit. Something that I’m scared to write down here in black and white, because that will make it public and even more real. Writing it down on this “electronic tablet” will make the vision so plain, so simple, that I’d have no excuse but to run with it.
So instead I’ve been asking Him for signs to help me figure out what I should do. If you follow us on Instagram then you know that I often share what I’m wrestling with in the hopes that it will encourage someone else. Here’s a snippet of something I posted recently…
“Right now I’m wrestling with something I believe God is asking me to do. It’s something that will take a lot of commitment, effort, time and sacrifice. It’s something I’ve never done before and honestly never thought I’d have the desire to do. BUT GOD I believe is asking me to do it. For the last week or so I’ve been asking Him for a sign. Like Gideon, I’ve been asking God to confirm what my heart knows He already told me to do. My biggest fear is that I don’t have the intelligence and strength to do what He’s asking...
I’d been studying Gideon’s story in Judges. You know the one where he lays out the wool fleece on the threshing floor and asks God to give him a sign. And then when God gives him a sign, He asks God, not to be angry with him…but hey can you give me another sign just to make sure that first sign was real. (That’s my paraphrasing, you can read it for yourself in Judges 6:36-40)
“....but as I was studying Gideon’s story in Judges Chapter 6, my study Bible reminded me that although we often ask for signs from God, the initial desire He’s put in our heart and mind is already a sign. So now that I have a sign it’s not time to ask for another one like Gideon did. But instead to seek out guidance from a deeper study of scripture as I ask the Holy Spirit to make clear my next step....
Normally I would wait for a sign or start talking to lots of family and friends about it to see what they thought and if that was what God was really telling me to do. But not this time, I didn’t want to let anyone else’s opinion sway me from believing God.

Notes to myself on the back of my office door.
“...I was drawn to go back to re-read Judges not starting from the familiar section of the story of the fleece, but to start from the beginning...and guess what it says...
Go in the strength you have.
That short phrase is just what I needed to hear. It’s like God whispered to me….stop worrying about if you can do it or not. Don’t let your fears of failure or inadequacy stop you from being obedient to what I’ve told you to do. I will make a way, just go in the strength you have and I’ll take care of the rest.
So if you’re struggling like I was, asking God for signs, regarding something He’s put on your heart to do, I want to share the encouragement I received with you.
Stop waiting for a sign.
Just take the next step with the strength you have already and God will continue to give you just enough strength for the next step and the step after that too.
So as soon as I finish typing this post, I’m going to take that first scary step towards this new vision He’s put on my heart. It’s something that I’m believing God will give me the strength and the resources to accomplish. When He does it will be for His glory because it will end up not just blessing me, but also blessing you too. Please keep me in your prayers and when He tells me it’s time, I’ll share this vision with you.
Live encouraged, seek guidance from His Word and don’t forget to enjoy the journey.
Are you ready to do it scared and go in the strength you have?
Jamila is the founder of loved+blessed. On her personal mission to leave a legacy of encouragement, she blogs about her own life lessons with the hope that it will bring joy into others’ lives and help them find the courage to keep walking in faith knowing that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Read her testimony of how God turned her misery into ministry.
Amen! Thank you Geneva! Praise the Lord!
That was A WORD! “Go in the strength you have” is just what I needed to build my confidence in Him. Thank you for sharing that and know He is doing a great work in you. I believe you just got another sign :)
Thank you so much for sharing. May God continue to bless.