Words have the power to encourage.

May the words you read in these blog posts lift your spirits and draw you into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

How To Live Unbothered

How To Live Unbothered

When we think of finding serenity, we often think of a place. A place where we can escape to find peace and quiet. Learn how to live unbothered no matter where you are.

The Chef, the Servers and the Guests

The Chef, the Servers and the Guests

Overwhelmed with the daily tasks of being a mom to 3 daughters, a wife, holding down a 9 to 5 job, I was exhausted. Did God care? Was He concerned about something as trivial as my day-to-day routine? Then one day, I read something that changed my perspective forever.

Learn To Bloom Where You’re Planted

Learn To Bloom Where You’re Planted

The simplest definition of the word flourish, is to thrive. We all want to thrive right? But how do we do that when we’re faced with trials, challenges and circumstances that seem like they are out of our control?

Seeking True Identity

Seeking True Identity

In every super-hero movie out there, there is a moment where they have to choose to keep their identity secret or live out loud in the world with everyone knowing who they are. As women, we are bombarded with the search for identity in just about every part of our life.

Are You Ready To Say Yes To God?

Are You Ready To Say Yes To God?

I’ve been disobedient. I don’t like to admit it. Especially not publicly, but hopefully my story will encourage you not to follow in my footsteps. Have you ever had one of those moments where you know God told you to do something and in the moment you were all excited and planned to follow through, but then later...

His Glory Stories: Miracle Shoes

His Glory Stories: Miracle Shoes

What miracles are you trusting the Lord with today?  I was about two years into my walk with the Lord. I had recently quit my full time job at the architecture firm to stay home with our three children, ages three and under. It was challenging, but it was so so good.

Get up off the mat. It's not over.

Get up off the mat. It's not over.

I’ve honestly never been interested in boxing. Why someone would want to participate in a sport where they are going to get punched and bruised is beyond my comprehension. But I do find the imagery of boxing so relatable. In order to achieve victory, we all experience some bumps and bruises. We get knocked down and no matter how much it hurts, we have to make the decision to get back up in spite of the pain. We have to dig down deep and find the strength to keep fighting.

What We Tend To Forget About The Nature Of God

What We Tend To Forget About The Nature Of God

Loving, patient, powerful, faithful, creative, glorious--these are just a few of the attributes of God. He is multifaceted, complex, and unknowable. And the mission of our lives is to discover new angles of who He is.  But what if I told you we were missing something huge? In this post, we’ll explore the nature of God and its mind-boggling implications for us as Christ followers.

Rising From The Pit Of Despair

Rising From The Pit Of Despair

Do you ever dream of warping back to your teenage years? So many people I know have talked longingly about all those “wonderful” times. And inevitably they’ll ask me: “Wouldn’t you like to go back? Everything was just so easy then.” Don’t even have to think about the answer to that one: “Nope – would never want to. Unless I could bring back with me all the knowledge I have now.”

What Are You Doing To Help Others Obtain Eternal Salvation?

What Are You Doing To Help Others Obtain Eternal Salvation?

Evangelism strategy is a hot topic these days. But here’s the truth: God is bigger than our strategies. Some take a bold, direct approach, while others adhere to a slower, subtler ministry model. But God uses both. Let’s parse out the meaning of “eternal salvation” and cover some tangible ways for you to get involved in spreading the gospel in both your local and global context.

2 Bible Prophecies We Need to Pay More Attention To

2 Bible Prophecies We Need to Pay More Attention To

While the New Testament bristles with unripe prophecy, the church often overlooks its lofty claims for the future. We struggle to muster a faith large enough to encapsulate Bible prophecies like the two we’re about to discuss. So we push them to the backburner, behind the easier-to-swallow passages, and shrug as they fade into ineffectuality.

What's your perspective?

What's your perspective?

I find television shows that show life from different points of view fascinating. One show I’ve really found riveting is called The Affair. This might surprise you, maybe even shock you that I’d admit to watching a show where the central theme is about two people who have an affair and all the consequences of that choice, but let’s be real, most of us don’t spend 100% of our time watching Hallmark movies…