I was about two years into my walk with the Lord. I had recently quit my full time job at the architecture firm to stay home with our three children, ages three and under. It was challenging, but it was so so good. I know the Lord has allowed me to stay home to grow in my relationship with Him as I mothered our children. That being said, money was tight so I was picking up some shifts waiting tables at my parents’ restaurant. It was physically exhausting, but I was thankful to have something I could run to when we needed a little extra cash.
Well, after working a few months I was realizing how torn up my sneakers were and how sore my feet were. I needed new sneakers without a doubt, but I just couldn’t stomach spending money on myself. So I just prayed. I prayed for increased finances and I prayed for shoes. It still blows my mind to this day as I sit here and write these words.
Anyway, I was just going about my business wearing my torn up shoes, working, raising kids, and taking care of our home when one day I was in the backyard looking through our tiny little shed that came with the house when we moved in two years prior. I don’t really remember why I was in the shed, but as I was going through some rubbermaid containers I saw a pair of shoes. They were practically new, in my size, and a perfect pair of sneakers to get the job done. I couldn’t believe it, but then yes I could- because
God HEARS our cries and he cares for us.
Not even the slightest of details slips by Him. I honestly tried to remember what and where these shoes came from, but I couldn’t figure it out. I had no recollection of purchasing these or being gifted them! And these boxes weren’t boxes that had been left unpacked. They were in this shed for a purpose! I remember just looking up into the sky as if looking into His very eyes and smiling and whispering through tears, “Thank you, Father.” This moment encouraged my heart, my prayer life, and confirmed for me that we do not go unnoticed by Him. He treasures us and will provide all we need.
 “I tell you the truth, you will ask my Father directly, and he will rant your request because you use my name. You haven’t done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy.” - John 16:23-24
I challenge you today to think back to a moment when God just provided for you in an amazing supernatural way. Write it down, ponder it and try to wrap your head around the fact that the maker of the universe cares so deeply about YOU! He adores you and hears your every cry and knows your every need. He delights in his children asking Him for His blessing! Â
What miracle are you trusting the Lord with today? Big or small…it all matters to him.
by Courtney Reagan
Courtney is a wife to her handsome high school sweetheart and mom to their beautiful five children. She spends her days working at her children’s school and is pursuing a teaching career. At her church, she serves with her family in the children’s ministry. Courtney loves to bake, cook, take photographs, sing and play with her family. Recently, the Lord laid on her heart to write for Him and His glory, and so what you read here is her act of obedience in hopes that His perfect name will be lifted higher!