Words have the power to encourage.

May the words you read in these blog posts lift your spirits and draw you into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Rising From The Pit Of Despair

Rising From The Pit Of Despair

Do you ever dream of warping back to your teenage years? So many people I know have talked longingly about all those “wonderful” times. And inevitably they’ll ask me: “Wouldn’t you like to go back? Everything was just so easy then.” Don’t even have to think about the answer to that one: “Nope – would never want to. Unless I could bring back with me all the knowledge I have now.”

Is Your Hope In Jesus Christ Alone?

Is Your Hope In Jesus Christ Alone?

Is your hope in Jesus Christ alone? In this post, we’ll explore what a Christ-centered hope really looks like. So to get started, let me tell you a weird Bible story. You know, one of those bizarre Old Testament ones that most pastors shy away from? The kind that you read and you don’t know what to do with so....

Why don't you think God can do it?

Why don't you think God can do it?

As I type this, it’s the night before an appointment with a doctor. Not my annual physical or some other appointment that I had expected to have this year, but instead it’s an appointment with a specialist for a possible diagnosis I never considered I’d have to face….

Are You Waiting For A Rescue?

Are You Waiting For A Rescue?

Sometimes God’s faithfulness is easiest to see when we look backward instead of forward. We’ve all heard the saying “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way,” and I agree with the sentiment of that statement. It is really unhealthy wallow in the past. But I’ve found that reflecting on the past can give you hope for the future…

God Doesn't Overlook The Ordinary

God Doesn't Overlook The Ordinary

In our humanity we often get caught up with the extraordinary events of our lives, and we easily overlook the ordinary moments in our lives." I heard this statement recently and it struck me how I can miss out on what the Lord is doing in my life everyday when I only focus on the extraordinary events.

You've Gotta Learn How To Praise Your Way Through

You've Gotta Learn How To Praise Your Way Through

Depression is debilitating. Sadness is exhausting. Brokenness hurts so much. But the good news is, YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH. I promise. I've found that regardless of the cause, there is one thing that holds true...

Encouraging Quotes about Staying Positive

Encouraging Quotes about Staying Positive

The ability to stay positive and optimistic no matter the situation you find yourself in, is a skill that can be developed.  It can be extremely hard, but it is possible!  Here are a few encouraging quotes to remind you that staying positive can make a huge difference in your perspective and outlook on life.

Fighting For Your Dreams

Fighting For Your Dreams

Many of us keep our dreams of future possibilities to ourselves, too scared of what friends or family might say if we told them what we hope for.  It's time to fight for your dreams.

Protecting Yourself From Emotional Dehydration

Protecting Yourself From Emotional Dehydration

For years, I lived my life on the edge of dehydration. I went days at a time without drinking a sip of water. Then there came a day when I couldn't stand up straight. Literally…

Cultivating Contentment

Cultivating Contentment

“My life may not be going the way I planned it, but it is going exactly the way God planned it.”  Being content in all circumstances isn’t easy. Find encouragement in the story behind the beloved hymn “It Is Well.”
The National Day of Encouragement

The National Day of Encouragement

September 12th is the National Day of Encouragement. How do you celebrate it? Here are 3 super simple ways to encourage someone.

Lessons From My Journey

Lessons From My Journey

Sometimes we have to be reminded that life is a journey. We haven't reached the end destination yet, so we should expect some ups and downs.