“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this? — Esther 4:14

This scripture has encouraged me in the past, but in this season, especially for the last few days I can’t stop hearing it repeat in my mind. Like many small business owners I’m in the awkward position of not wanting to continue “business as usual” while there is so much turmoil and fear in the world as we face this pandemic. And at the same time I feel the need to keep going in order to provide as much as I can for my family. But every time I start to think…”well, I’ll just put things on hold till things get better”, I hear a whisper that says “you were created for such a time as this”.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not comparing myself to the fearless and selfless acts of Queen Esther. But I do think the Holy Spirit has been continuously bringing that scripture to my mind to give me courage and God-confidence to use what He has blessed me with to give others hope. He’s blessed me to literally be an encourager for a living, so now more than ever I need to step up and not shrink back.

“Here I am Lord, send me. — Isaiah 6:8

I hear You Lord! I’m listening. I will fulfill Your plans for me and I pray that I follow where You lead; that I don’t do anything without Your guidance. And that I use this business, this personal ministry, to be Your light in the darkness. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

I believe He’s created you for such a time as this also. What can you do at home, in your community, online to help others get through this season. It is a season, this pandemic will end. Don’t waste the days God has blessed you with worrying about the future. Leave the future in God’s hands and seek out opportunities to be a light in the world TODAY.

  • Start a video chat group with family, friends and neighbors so that no one feels alone

  • Go through the contacts on your phone and text or email every one to say hello

  • Pick an encouraging quote, saying or scripture and post it on all your social media feeds

  • Write letters of encouragement or make a care package and snail mail it to a friend

  • Share tips for how you’re getting through this time on YouTube and share resources you’ve found

You are alive at this point in history for a reason. Just like those who came before us who lived through plagues, floods, wars and famines and even those of us living now who have been through natural disasters, wars, slavery, genocide, terrorist attacks and so many other devastating events that have changed our world, we will make it through this too.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7

This is a moment in time where the depth of our belief in this scripture is being tested. I truly believe that even though it may seem like our way of life has come to a screeching halt, God is still in control. He has not forsaken us. We are not doomed. He is still working ALL things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

I pray you find peace in that. It’s natural to feel anxiety. But when you start to worry about tomorrow, remember that He still holds your future. He is faithful and wants you to continue to draw close to Him throughout this season. We must be vigilant about following the guidelines and best practices that will keep others and ourselves safe, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still be His light and have a positive impact on your family, community and the world. We were created for such a time as this, so don’t squander it watching Netflix. #preachingtomyself

Instead, use it to spend more focused time with Him, seeking His comfort, strength and guidance in how He wants to use you for His Glory.

What are you doing to share some love and light during this COVID-19 pandemic?

Share in the comments below and you might inspire someone else to be an encourager too!


Jamila smiling

Jamila is the founder of loved+blessed. On her personal mission to leave a legacy of encouragement, she blogs about her own life lessons with the hope that it will bring joy into others’ lives and help them find the courage to keep walking in faith knowing that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Read her testimony of how God turned her misery into ministry.


Amen! Yes exactly B!

— Jamila

I really needed this. When our lives are interrupted we sometimes feel cheated, angry, unfulfilled, and we feel a sense of injustice. We can turn to God and ask Him to restore our joy because He knows best. I think we all can use this time wisely by renewing our minds, fulfilling some things we left on the shelf, and looking to the one who created us, sustains us and never leaves us….JESUS!!!

— B