Have you ever wondered to yourself, Why is my journey a mess? when will I get there in life?
Well, that question is normal. It comes up when we are scared and doubt God's plan for us or when we don't understand God's work on our journey.
Be confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus -Philippians 1:6
As you walk this journey, remember that God created it for you and for His purpose. Don’t compare your life to those of friends or family members. Don’t be discouraged and know that there is nothing to fear when life doesn’t go as planned. You may see some people heading in the path you would want to be in or living the life you’ve always dreamed of, but remember, it is not God’s timing just yet. There is always a reason why you are where you are on your journey,
This journey is not just about you.
It’s about the people that you meet along the way.
God already knows who will be a part of your journey, and for you to encounter them you must be where you are. The people you meet right now are the ones that God has put in your path and you have the opportunity to bless them, so don’t miss out on the chance.

I’d like to share with you a story I read about one woman’s journey to God.
Like her story, enjoy the path you’re on and have faith. God has you in it for a reason that only He truly knows.
Philippa’s Journey from Faith in Herself to Faith in Her Creator God
Journalist and successful PR professional, Philippa Lowe, was in her forties when the death of her mother triggered an unexpected spiritual journey. An agnostic with new age tendencies, she had a dream on the morning of the funeral. Her long-disabled mother was running in a field of wildflowers, surrounded by children. Her husband had an identical dream—at first it seemed like ‘a sign from the universe that she’s ok.’
Not long after, she lost out on a job for a Communications Officer at a local Christian school. Still smarting from that, she went on Easter holidays and, for three mornings straight, woke up at about 3 am with some old song lyrics from The Song of Bernadette blasting through her mind.
‘What?’ she asked, wondering at this ‘sign’.
A confronting Voice said, ‘Sort it out!’
She knew the Voice was referring to the mess of spiritual notions floating around her mind. It was a challenge to examine Christianity. She thought the pressure would ease when she returned to work, but it didn’t.
So she googled ‘learn more about Jesus’ and her suburb. And then she rang up a local church and spoke to the minister. On explaining why she was phoning, he said, ‘I know how this ends.’
A deeply unpleasant surge of something significant about to happen overtook her.
Later the minister told her that he thought: ‘God is hunting this one down and I know He doesn’t lose a chase.’
Philippa began a guided search to satisfy her head and her heart. She understood from new age that you can thought-create your world, be anything you want to be if you keep thinking the right thoughts. But she’d realized it was not only exhausting, faith in yourself in a dodgy proposition at best.
The compelling discovery of ‘Someone who loved me enough to take flesh, die the most humiliating death and then overcome death, just because He wants to be in relationship with me’ was an overwhelming relief. ‘That’s way better than me trying to do it on my own,’ Philippa said.
Philippa continues her journey of discipleship.
I hope you have enjoyed Philippa’s story and that you were able to take something from it.
Know that wherever you are in your journey, you will surely get there in God's timing.
In the end, it is for God's glory and with that in mind keep your faith in His work.
Stay strong and smile as you keep moving forward on your journey that is always and forever blooming into something beautiful.
I challenge you to write down what you’ve done for a day and how you’re feeling once that day is over and reflect on why it happened the way it did. Pray on it. Do this for a week and see how you feel about your journey and if it changes the way you feel about God's timing in your life.
by Lisa Covil
Lisa lives in California and is a mother of two beautiful children. She is a writer and author of Through the Beauty of Grace I will devotional.