The other day my boss asked me how I liked my job. It was an interesting question because he knows that this is nowhere near where I expected to be at this point in my life.
In high school, my dream was to move out of my small, Indiana hometown to the big city. Any big city, it didn’t matter. New York, Chicago, I even would’ve been ok with Indianapolis. But then when the time came to go to college, I strangely enough decided to stay. I had just gotten plugged into a good church and was surrounded by a lot of caring people. I just wasn’t ready to give that up yet. Plus it was only going to be 4 more years, and then I’d be out of here.
Flash forward 5 years and I’m still here in the town I grew up in. After a huge letdown of not getting my dream job, in a different city that was a couple of states away, I accepted a position at the church I’ve been a part of for the past 8 years. Not exactly the job that I always dreamed about growing up.

But I can honestly say that as a 23-year-old, wanderlust infused woman that still lives in her hometown, I’m the most content that I’ve ever been in my life. I have vision and drive for a fulfilling future, but I’m not waiting and wishing around for something better to come my way.
Through my devastating experience of not getting my dream job, God has taught me a lot about contentment. I’ve learned to live life and serve God to the fullest right where I am. Here are three concepts that have helped me overcome the restless side of me.
1. Have a “get to” attitude

A good friend of mine always says that we don’t “have” to do anything, we “get” to. With this attitude you can change any chores or job that you are required to do into an opportunity. An opportunity to help others and to show God’s love. It turns any job into a much more positive and valuable experience.
2. Whatever you’re doing, do it to the best of your abilities
I know this sounds like something you learn in Sunday school, but it’s a simple truth that we need to carry with us everyday. When we show God, and even our boss, that we can be faithful with the small things we start to show that we can be reliable with the bigger commissions. Take serious any type of task that we are entrusted with and see it to completion.
3. It’s important to have vision for your life but don’t be focused on your own plans

If we keep focusing on our own plans instead of what God has in store for us, we will always feel restless. I try to incorporate the thought that I will press the gas pedal and I’ll let God press the brakes. Follow the ideas and dreams that God plants in your mind, He planted them there for a reason! But realize that at any moment God can steer you in a different direction. Be excited for the plans that God has for your life but humbly accept that ultimately God is in control, and His plans for our life is good!
Sure, I’m not living the dream life that I envisioned growing up, but I am fulfilling a dream everyday. Ultimately, I want my life to be about serving others and helping people get plugged in to Christ so that they can one day use their own passions to glorify Him. And that’s a huge part of my job right now. So I may never get that job I thought I would have growing up. But that’s ok, that’s not where I’m supposed to be. The best place to be is in the center of God’s will and that’s exactly where we all are at this moment.
by Natalee Jones
Natalee recently graduated from Ball State University with a double bachelors degree in Journalism and Telecommunications. She spends her days serving as the Creative Administrator at her church. Natalee enjoys being creative with the talents she’s been given to inspire and encourage others, whether that be through writing, videography or her spontaneous (sometimes impracticable) ideas. She frequently gets the opportunity to serve overseas in Liberia, Africa and never wants to miss a moment being the hands and feet of Jesus wherever God has her.