I began 2021 feeling emotionally drained and scatterbrained. 

2020 was hard on all of us and for me it was a true test of choosing joy and living encouraged no matter what.

I am overwhelmed with gratitude to God that with His grace I passed that test. The same tools and encouragement I share with you helped me to praise my way through every crazy obstacle and seemingly impossible situation I faced.

And now I find myself more than a quarter of the way through a new year and feeling overwhelmed in a different way.

A good way....but y’all I could use some prayer. 

I’ve been seeking guidance from God for months and asking Him for direction for next steps with loved+blessed. It seemed like He was silent through January and February, then I started to hear Him whisper in March.  But boy is He speaking to me in April!

This month I have regained my focus.

Side note: Interestingly that’s my word for the year. And I’ve gotten so much confirmation of it from sermons I’ve heard, conversations with friends and even random - not so random - things that have happened.

Daily, I’m not exaggerating, literally daily, He has been dropping ideas into my spirit. 

I have 4 notebooks open on my desk right now with scribbles of the thoughts and product ideas and event ideas and future plans He has opened my eyes to see. It’s what I asked for - focus and direction. He answered my prayers….and now is when the doubt starts to seep in. 

Wow Lord, that would be amazing! 

Wow Lord, what a cool idea!

Wow Lord, that You would entrust this to me!

Wow, Lord, I’m not worthy.

Wow Lord, are You sure?

Wow Lord, I don’t know how I will get all that done.

Wow, Lord, I need help. 

Wow Lord, I wish I could, but I don’t have the resources to make that happen.

Wow, Lord, okay I’ll write this all down and start it when I have everything I need....

This is the conversation that has begun in my head.

BUT thankfully I’ve learned from my past delayed obedience, aka disobedience, that no matter what self doubt and discouraging conversation is going on in my head, I can’t delay. I have to move on this NOW and trust that He will provide. 

Where God guides He provides. 

That’s how it’s been since loved+blessed began.

In the over 7 years since I started this business and personal ministry, it has survived past seasons when I feared I’d have to shut it down.

We have hosted life changing events that I thought would never be possible and He continues to give me new ideas for our monthly theme - as of today that’s 79 different themes!

God does not have to prove anything to me.

BUT GOD has proved time and time again that He is faithful and that somehow, someway, He will make a way when I step out on faith and do it scared for His Glory. 


So today I ask for your prayers. 

Please pray that I would continue to hear His voice and clearly understand His guidance.

Please pray that I would be a good steward of the ideas, inspiration and vision He has given me and act on it in His right timing.

Please pray that the spirit of fear and self doubt would be removed from me and kept from making a home in my mind. 

Please pray that the help, resources, willing hands and financial means would be provided.

And please pray that all that He has assigned to me will be done for His Glory and to encourage His Kingdom. 

In the name of Jesus. 

Sincerely, thank you for praying for me. 

Jamila smiling

Jamila is the founder of loved+blessed. On her personal mission to leave a legacy of encouragement, she blogs about her own life lessons with the hope that it will bring joy into others’ lives and help them find the courage to keep walking in faith knowing that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Read her testimony of how God turned her misery into ministry.



It has been so amazing to watch your ministry grow over the years. I will definitely add my prayers to the many promised prayers in your comment section. We are rooting for you! Stay encouraged dear friend. I can’t wait to see God add another “79 different themes”! I admire you. Thank you for your transparency and obedience over the years.

— Amber Williams

I’ll pray for you, Jamila! I am in the same place. God qualifies who He calls according to His purpose. God is good. :) Many blessings and open doors your way! :)

— Heira

You are in my prayers, Jamila. God Bless you and thank you for all you do to spread the word of God!

— Dawn

“Be a jumper”. I LOVE THAT Rachel. Thank you for the encouragement and sharing your testimony. May God continue to bless you too!

— Jamila

Amen! Thank you Kathleen, He has definitely been with me as my hair has gotten white with age! :) He is so so faithful. Thank you for the reminder.

— Jamila

Precious, Thank you sister. Your confidence gives me courage. 💕

— Jamila

Thank you for sharing the exciting news of how God is speaking to you sister. Thank you also for being vulnerable in sharing where you need to be lifted my friend. While there might be some stepping out on faith in some of these things he is placing before you, I’m confident you will have a sturdy foundation under you every step of the way.

I’m convinced that he is going to use you in a special way this yea

— Precious

Yes Queen who is Truly Loved and Blessed God is In Control and Something Wonderful is about to Happen!!

— Ms Gail

My dear Jamila:
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). May your strength be renewed so that you will not only fly but soar to heights unknown. Continue to feel the warmth of being loved+blessed by an Almighty God. Recharge, breathe, and let go………

— Diana Jackson

Praying that you will hear his voice so clearly that there will be no doubt. He is FAITHFUL!

— Lisa

You, Jamila, encourage others in this act of asking for prayer. Thank you. I am praying for you. “May the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit” (Philippians 4:23 NLT). “The LORD is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth” (Psalm 145:18 NLT). And he says, “I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you” (Isaiah 46:4 NLT). Keep trusting in the LORD! Be encouraged!

— Kathleen

Hi Jamila,

I’ve been praying for you and will continue to so. I know God will be with you always and he won’t let you fail.
Love you,
Cousin Crystal

— Crystal Barrett

I will lift you in prayer. I live far from my mother and after my Dad passed I ordered your boxes for her. They arrive each month and give her encouragement and a reminder that even though I am far away that she is loved and thought of. I am thankful for what you do. It is hard to find gift boxes that offer Christ centered gifts for women. If it is something she thinks is too young for her she shares it with my daughter and nieces as a way to continue to minister to them in their interactions. I hope that knowing this gives you encouragement. God will take whatever idea He gives you and provide the way even in moments where you cannot see it. And on occasion He blesses you with seeing the way He uses you to glorify His kingdom. Don’t be afraid to jump off that mountain. God has you. He will always catch you and will reward your faith. I am a jumper according to my hubby (who says I jump off the mountain in full knowledge God will catch me, and my hubby and my daughter are the two people screaming that are tied to the crazy person jumping off the mountain. Lol. But be a jumper. He means for us to be that in our lives. To show the world our trust and faith. He has let me know after facing trails how He used that moment when it was so hard and my faith was tested that He used it to bring someone to Him. What a gift that is! To know the devil thought he would break me by hitting my home woth a tornado with my family inside it. The home I just paid off! And God took it and used my calm and trust to lead someone who was lost to Him and was so kind to show me that He used that tragedy in my life to save a soul! He let me see it and the person who was saved was my boss who I did not even know was not saved but who said He saw the peace I had the way I continued on without bitterness and he wanted to know what I had that he didn’t and that tornado destroying my home showed me two things: no matter what happens God can and Will use it! And that the Lord will make you move if you don’t listen when He says this is not where you are supposed to be. Even when you think it is comfy here and I am happy here. He will tell you and if you don’t listen He then will dry up the gourd that was giving you shelter, just as He did for Jonah. Praying for you in the new movements you are about to take. 💗🙏🙏🙏💗💗💗 God bless you!

— Rachel

Thank you Heira! May many blessings be upon you too!

— Jamila

Jamila, I’ll be praying for you. I know it’s hard when your heart wants to follow God and your mind goes elsewhere. I am glad you started this ministry. It is such a blessing to me and many women. Trust God will keep His Word and provide all you need to accomplish His purpose in you. Many blessings.

— Heira

I praise Him for calling me! Thank you April.

— Jamila

Praying for God’s perfect will and peace for your life. Your ministry is such a blessing to women all around the world, especially to me!
Thank you for always being willing to answer the call!

— April

I so appreciate the offer Jana! I just might take you up on it!! ❤️

— Jamila

I don’t know if there’s anything I can do from Oklahoma to help, but I’m willing to do whatever I can with the time I have available. I’m really good at administrative assistant type work…especially data entry.

— Jana Coley

💕 Thank you Jolene!

— Jamila

Lord, I pray for all of Your Loving resources to lead Jamila Jackson on the right steps to take on her mission. Lord, please guide her heart and mind to do her good work. In Jesus’ name I pray! Thank you Lord.

— Jolene

Amen. Thank you for praying for me Kim!

— Jamila

Wow, God has equipped you for what he is downloading in your spirit! Dear Lord, continue to order Jamila’s steps and remind her that you are faithful and so trustworthy to accomplish the tasks set before her(us)! Thank you God for Jamila’s desire to follow you and encourage others. In Jesus Mighty Name, the name above all others, Amen

— Kim Moody