Words have the power to encourage.

May the words you read in these blog posts lift your spirits and draw you into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

I've never felt like I fit in. I'm a black woman who has spent most of my life living in predominantly white neighborhoods and being the minority at school and work.

Hold Onto Hope While You're Waiting

Hold Onto Hope While You're Waiting

There is so so much I could say on the topic of waiting. I could write pages and pages on the importance of patience, perseverance, contentment and hope. Is it just me, or does it seem like we're always waiting for something?

Encouraging Quotes About Stress and Worry

Encouraging Quotes About Stress and Worry

We know how unhealthy stress and worry are, yet so many of us struggle with it. While it may take hard work, it is possible to live in peace.

You've Gotta Learn How To Praise Your Way Through

You've Gotta Learn How To Praise Your Way Through

Depression is debilitating. Sadness is exhausting. Brokenness hurts so much. But the good news is, YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH. I promise. I've found that regardless of the cause, there is one thing that holds true...

Encouraging Quotes about Staying Positive

Encouraging Quotes about Staying Positive

The ability to stay positive and optimistic no matter the situation you find yourself in, is a skill that can be developed.  It can be extremely hard, but it is possible!  Here are a few encouraging quotes to remind you that staying positive can make a huge difference in your perspective and outlook on life.

Fighting For Your Dreams

Fighting For Your Dreams

Many of us keep our dreams of future possibilities to ourselves, too scared of what friends or family might say if we told them what we hope for.  It's time to fight for your dreams.

Encouraging Quotes About Failure and Success

Encouraging Quotes About Failure and Success

When you're worried about succeeding or fearful of failure a few words of encouragement can make a huge difference. Here are a few encouraging quotes to help you keep failure in perspective and remind you that success may be just around the corner.

Protecting Yourself From Emotional Dehydration

Protecting Yourself From Emotional Dehydration

For years, I lived my life on the edge of dehydration. I went days at a time without drinking a sip of water. Then there came a day when I couldn't stand up straight. Literally…

Getting Over Myself

Getting Over Myself

When did I become fearful of public speaking? If you follow me on social media, you know I have had a really hard time posting videos of myself. It’s so strange to me that something I was never afraid to do before, has now become something I dread. I get super nervous, mix up my words and am so critical of myself. 

Bring Your Own Sunshine

Bring Your Own Sunshine

When it rains on your cruise vacation you’ve got to bring your own sunshine. Looking at the bright side and maintaining a perspective of gratitude when things don’t go as planned.

Where Is Your Sanctuary?

Where Is Your Sanctuary?

I started this business from a desk in the corner of our living room. It’s a space I share with my husband when he’s watching TV, with our dog who has decided that the comfy rug under my desk is his bed and with piles of laundry every other week. It’s actually a pretty chaotic place to try to concentrate, especially when I frequently stop what I’m working on to read a prayer request, pray or try to listen for God’s leading on if the ideas that are flowing are in line with His Word.



You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are an overcomer.